A competitive exchange circle has been launched using the communication app BAND.
A chat for people who want to enjoy real competitions such as professional wrestling, wrestling, mixed martial arts, submissions, sumo, judo, boxing, kicking, etc. with the slogan "Let's have a real match." You are responsible for any injuries or disadvantages!
Sorry, only Japanese language is available.
▼You can register here. (We ask you to register your profile and image when registering.)
captains (39)
10/20/2024 8:04 AMまもなく200名突破です。
captains (39)
3/12/2024 4:26 PM現在100名突破!外国人の方も歓迎です。
captains (39)
2/09/2024 4:49 PM参加は無料、匿名で参加できます。
Participation is free and can be done anonymously.
captains (39)
2/09/2024 3:08 PMコミュニケーションアプリBANDを対戦交流サークルが発足しました。
A competitive exchange circle has been launched using the communication app BAND.
A chat for people who want to enjoy real competitions such as professional wrestling, wrestling, mixed martial arts, submissions, sumo, judo, boxing, kicking, etc. with the slogan "Let's have a real match." You are responsible for any injuries or disadvantages!
Sorry, only Japanese language is available.
▼You can register here. (We ask you to register your profile and image when registering.)