
Scissors trade or dominate me in Portland or Seattle?

ChrisWrestling (38 )

6/05/2024 6:14 AM

I'll be visiting LA when my knee is done healing. I'm in Tacoma (30min s of Seattle) but it will probably be mid to late Aug before it's safe for me to squeeze again


Marcos11 (11)

6/05/2024 8:36 PM

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Should HMU when you visit LA.


Marcos11 (11)

6/04/2024 9:36 AM

I’ll be visiting from the 7-15 of July if anyone is down for it lmk 🫡 I can take a lot of squeezing also give it


headscissorschgonwburbs (22 )

6/05/2024 5:48 AM

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Come for a visit to the Chicago area Please log in to view gallery photos.

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