Gutpunching give/take/trade

Types of gut punches delivered?

mikey3458 (25 )

14 days ago

I like to receive upper cuts and jabs to my lower stomach, right below the belly button. Any takers?


ABS ART (0 )

15 days ago

The best is unflexed blindfolded to relaxed abs at navel. We often do that way. Please log in to view gallery photos.


Haarek (1)

4 days ago

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Awesome! Really hot picture. Would love to be gutpunched hard like that.


GPNavelPuncher (0)

13 days ago

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The only way to improve this session is to have Jobber's arms behind his head, his wrists tied together TIGHT with rope or cuffs. He could NOT resist fast, heavy, DEEP gut punches aimed directly for Jobber's NAVEL. Keep the blindfold on, so Jobber will not know when the next gut punch is coming until it is delivered...YUM! 👊👊👊


AtléticBogota (20 )

13 days ago

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Ufff hot image


boxer1985 (11)

8/06/2024 2:27 PM

The best punch is for sure an uppercut to the solar plexus, especially when the man is not ready. It will sink completely inside


Challenge3 (43)

8/06/2024 5:37 PM

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Boxer, id like to give you such a shot into the Solar plexus. See how that works.


Mikebedo (1)

8/07/2024 1:58 AM

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It's painful 😒


GPNavelPuncher (0)

13 days ago

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Pain is good, especially when the punches are aimed directly for Jobber's NAVEL. It is always my target.


mikey3458 (25 )

8/06/2024 5:33 PM

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Uppercut are great


Stomach Gutpunch (1)

8/06/2024 5:22 PM

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Sin lugar a duda alguna. Un gancho en la misma boca del estómago


mikey3458 (25 )

8/06/2024 11:43 AM

To help me last longer and prolong the punshment, I like gloves. Round 1. Boxing gloves. Round 2. Mma gloves. Round 3. Bare fist.

To help further prolong, now and then some hits to the head, chest, and balls.


GPNavelPuncher (0)

13 days ago

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Round 4. SAP gloves. They deliver the best pain, sometimes blood.


mikey3458 (25 )

13 days ago

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Blood is perfect, hit me in the forehead


Rt ND Guts (4)

8/05/2024 4:03 PM

I find a glove with any kind of padding, even the light padding of an MMA glove can reduce the bruising a bit. This is handy when you're playing with guys who aren't six packs. As receiver I love sap gloves because I like deep punches


Bellyfighter (0)

8/04/2024 8:21 AM

SAP gloves are also worn by motorcycle riders, the steel balls protecting the knuckles if you have to put the bike down. When used on a man's gut they can do some severe damage.


GPNavelPuncher (0)

8/05/2024 5:57 AM

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I'll bet that Heel's use of SAP gloves can leave Jobber with really HOT reddened stomach skin!


GPNavelPuncher (0)

7/04/2024 12:36 PM

I have observed 3 distinctly different types of delivery of gut punches during sessions:

#1: use of boxing gloves;
#2: use of tight fitting leather (not boxing) gloves;
#3: bare knuckled fists.

If find #1 to be "sloppy," not allowing the Heel to direct the gut punches to any particular area, such as the NAVEL, which is always my target. #2 has some value in that it allows Heel to direct the punches. It provides a "sting" feeling for the Jobber as well as causing his stomach skin to become reddened faster vs boxing gloves. #3 is the BEST, in my opinion, providing the most natural and brutal Gutpunching experience; no equipment is required, just a fist and a gut.


ruffguystuff (1)

7/24/2024 2:57 PM

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use of tight fitting leather gloves (mma, bag, etc) can be helpful for a longer session - a lot of guys find that their knuckles get sore with extended punching and so its nice a progression goingf rom bare knucks to gloves and back to bare knucks


Preben (1)

7/24/2024 12:35 PM

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I prefer MMA - gloves ;P


GPNavelPuncher (0)

8/05/2024 5:59 AM

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MMA gloves are HOT!🔥


GutPunchtaker72 (0)

7/06/2024 1:17 AM

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Tight fitting leather gloves are great.


suckerpunch (0)

8/03/2024 10:05 AM

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Even better, tight fitting sap gloves


GPNavelPuncher (0)

8/03/2024 1:31 PM

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What are sap gloves? I might try them sometime!👊👊👊👊💥🥵🔥


ruffguystuff (1)

8/03/2024 3:28 PM

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SAP or tactical gloves are used by police, swat teams, military for crowd control - they are thick tight leather gloves with either steel or lead shot sewn in the knuckle section, pack a real wallop = great for advanced gut punching beats


GPNavelPuncher (0)

7/04/2024 12:57 PM

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P.S. One way to enhance a session, whether it be using method #1, 2 or 3, is to have Jobber BLINDFOLDED. That way, he doesn't know when the next gut punch is coming until it is delivered. It is even better if he is also tied in BONDAGE. That way, Jobber has no way to resist the gut punches.


GutPunchtaker72 (0)

7/24/2024 2:40 AM

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Also since he cannot see it coming he cannot tighten up gut. The punch hurts more that way.


GPNavelPuncher (0)

8/02/2024 10:44 AM

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Yup! Make it hurt, the more the better! Don't stop punching his gut until his stomach skin is red, raw and SORE...all ready for his next Gutpuncher! 👊👊👊👊👊💥🥵🔥💪


Challenge3 (43)

7/03/2024 12:29 PM

I agree with Juggernaut and the rest. Bare fists are the preferred instrument. I use boxing gloves to go easy on a new set of abs or to change up the sensation on the receiver. MMA gloves as well. Leather gloves to protect my wrists and knuckles if the target abs are hard and don't budge, or its going to be an extended workover. But the best feeling and exchange is the bare skin on skin. I can adjust the push and intensity of the strike accordingly. Anyone ready to test this out?


GPNavelPuncher (0)

8/06/2024 9:57 AM

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I agree that the feeling of a bare knuckled fist against raw, sore, brutally beaten, reddened stomach skin is HOT...Bring it on, keep the punches coming! SAP gloves on Jobber's stomach skin work well, too...they can result in some blood.


NorthwestGPer (2)

7/04/2024 7:10 AM

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What a cool comment!


big belly (0)

7/02/2024 5:29 PM

Been kneed in the gut , punched,kicked,elbowed .stomped on even had a bowling ball dropped on my lower gut love every minute of it


Stomach Gutpunch (1)

7/02/2024 10:08 AM

Puño desnudo, sin dudas. Esa sensación de hundir profundo el puño en un estómago caliente y desnudo no tiene precio. Y si recibo el puño desnudo en mí blando estómago, enterrado hasta la muñeca, mejor!!!!


Grizzledjobber (2)

7/02/2024 9:59 AM

Bare fist, elbows, kneedrops, double axehandle, stomps, 2 footed jumps off the furniture, it's all good.


musclefun (0)

7/03/2024 9:19 PM

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Yes, exactly, I agree.


GutPunchtaker72 (0)

7/01/2024 7:57 PM

What type punches you expert gut punchers deliver? Bare fist? Gloved and what kind of gloved was used.


suckerpunch (0)

7/04/2024 10:06 AM

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Bare fists... but weighted. I started receiving punches with quarter rolls held in the fists to add extra ooomph. Now it is 3-4 pound round lead weights held in the fists. Nothing like it


Rt ND Guts (4)

7/04/2024 1:25 PM

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I prefer gloves. Mostly because I punch with bigger guys. Fat has a lit of tiny capillaries and it bruises easy. its not damage but looks very ugly later. I find that any glove with even a little padding reduces this. I like Gel wraps for this


GutPunchtaker72 (0)

7/05/2024 9:38 PM

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Love to see punches going into the belly using bag gloves on a big guy.


GPNavelPuncher (0)

7/02/2024 7:36 AM

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I use my bare knuckled fists only, no gloves, because I like the feeling of my fist coming in direct contact with Jobber's stomach skin. I find that to be exciting, especially after an hour or so of beating his gut, when his stomach skin has become red and SORE. That is my sign of success, a job well done!


musclefun (0)

7/03/2024 9:22 PM

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Oh yeah, I agree. I also like bare knuckles punches on my abs the most!


stomachpunch (5)

7/02/2024 7:21 AM

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I don't think it's a question of being an expert but only of taste. I personally love giving and taking punches in the stomach without gloves because it excites me to feel and see the fist sunk into the stomach, whether it's my stomach or that of my partner if I'm the puncher. the glove takes away the tactile part for me, and therefore personally I find it not very exciting.


GPNavelPuncher (0)

7/02/2024 10:24 AM

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Agree. Bare knuckled fist is best. 👊


musclefun (0)

7/01/2024 8:05 PM

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I'm a big fan of bare fist punches to the abs.


Juggernaut (0)

7/03/2024 10:54 AM

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"I'm a big fan of bare fist punches to the abs."

Finally somebody that speaks English.

I don't think a lot of people recognize that there is a distinct difference between ab and the gut. Although they are generally used interchangeably, the two are actually at opposite ends of the scale.

The former is primarily a test of willpower, strength, stamina, virility, and endurance. While the other, is almost totally an expression of sadomasochism.

When considering punching someone with a 6-pack, there is no such thing as sinking your fist into his gut. Even when totally relaxed the depression would require substantial force, and still be visually insignificant


GPNavelPuncher (0)

7/02/2024 10:30 AM

(In reply to this)

Agree. Bare knuckled fist to the gut is best! 👊

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