Gutpunching give/take/trade

Tied up gut punch?

Softbellyj (1)

10/21/2021 8:02 PM

Nothing like being restrained while u cant protect your most vulerable region? The gut. Its like when you had enuff? Its really not up to u on when the punishment will stop? Just stay away from the big fisted, hard punching by nature, guy?


slimp (0)

10/20/2021 4:12 AM

I'm okay either way, but there's much to be said for being tied half an hour ahead of time and receiving teasing jabs every few minutes, and in my case, verbal taunts, to allow anticipation, adrenalin and related endorphins to build up before the real punching begins.


Challenge3 (49)

10/21/2021 11:59 PM

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Slimp, your idea of being tied up and teased is awesome man. I'd love to work someone over like that and get worked over as well.


slimp (0)

10/22/2021 4:22 AM

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That's why I think so much about role play and interrogation scenes.


Stomach Gutpunch (1)

10/20/2021 5:46 PM

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Me encanta recuperar el conocimiento, estando de pié, atados mis brazos tras el poste, con el estómago al descubierto. Y ver enfrente 2 punchers que se burlan y me insultan, mientras se van turnando lentamente y me van "trabajando" a placer mi indefenso estómago....


alfra (12)

10/19/2021 6:08 AM

I dont like to tie the punchee: for me it seems as a punching bag. I prefer restrain the punchee with a hold. He feels more safety and this is more human. If the punchee wants to be tied no problem because everybody must take some pleasure.


Zander (1)

10/18/2021 8:24 PM

It depends who the person you are meeting, if they are from this site and they have a few meets and recommendations under thier belt, you are probably in safe hands (fists). When I was actively meeting on here people always respected my limits, tell them what you are after fitst and just make sure if you are being tied up you agree a safe word, maybe one for pausing things and one for stopping altogether and then have fun.


ruinurabs (42 )

10/19/2021 5:55 AM

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Good advice. As a puncher, I like binding the guys I slug. I'm okay with a first time guy not wanting to be bound (I get it.), But I've also had enough broken bones in my hands from blocked punches to say I prefer binding a guy. But then it's about respect.


Gutbashjobber (3 )

10/19/2021 7:29 AM

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I usually don’t block shots. But I get the binding aspect. That’s why I usually say yes to being tied or handcuffed


GPNavelPuncher (0)

11/23/2021 4:41 AM

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Glad you like being Gut Punched while in restraints. That's the only way I like it, I can be laser focused on guy's NAVEL, where I always land my punches, with bare knuckled fists. 👊


slimp (0)

11/24/2021 4:27 AM

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My sweet spot is just above the naval. The fist can hit the naval, but I want most of the force immediately above it. That's where the gut ache itself feels dead center.


Gutbashjobber (3 )

10/18/2021 9:05 PM

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Good call man, thanks!


Gutbashjobber (3 )

10/18/2021 5:57 PM

Curious how everyone approaches this. I usually get asked by the puncher if he can tie me up and beat my gut the first time we meet. I usually enjoy being tied up and punched because I can't stop the beating from happening but the first time I meet someone I feel like I'm putting myself in danger. Thoughts?

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