Gutpunching give/take/trade

Is gut punching cheating?

Zander (1)

7/06/2016 7:39 PM

Thanks for the comments guys, most useful. I best leave off any GP for for now, until my BF is back at the end of the month and talk about it.


abuster (78 )

7/06/2016 3:52 AM

This is difficult. I told my bf because I knew I couldn't be in a serious relationship while doing this is secret. My bf knows about it and is attempting to become a part of it too and develop it into his only liking so there is that at least :)


gutpunishHKboy (3)

7/06/2016 5:26 AM

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Then come down to Orlando , 2 on 1, blindfold punch knee elbow kick grope massage all that


abuster (78 )

7/06/2016 3:53 AM

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So like everyone else says.... honesty is the best course of action


Adler (10)

7/06/2016 9:34 AM

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What if I told my bf and he knew about it, but he doesnt like the idea of me going around punching someone (no sex-related things). Then it's still considering cheating?


gpau1900 (6 )

7/06/2016 10:25 AM

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It's a negotiation between you and your bf


Adler (10)

7/06/2016 11:20 AM

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Yea, indirect conversation but the answer is kinda like "dont hook up or break up with him because of the fetish"


Davey716 (45)

7/05/2016 8:51 PM

I think "cheating" is not quite the right word to use here. Let's face it... gut work is an intimate activity...whether it's sexual or not. Anytime someone engages in something so personal, the other half should know about it. Let's say you keep it private from your other half and sometime later he finds out. Whether it was sexual or not, it's probably going to cause some questions. Better to be upfront about it shows that you respect him and the relationship you're trying to build.


halndallas (6)

7/05/2016 5:24 PM

test the waters and make his hand into a fist and take to your stomach. It could go either way. . Gutpunching is a sport to me and my partner wouldnt dream of doing it and frankly i dont want it from him either but it sure winds up in my fantasies when i'm in bed with him. Cheating to me would be if you indulge in intimacy with another dude to me.


gpau1900 (6 )

7/05/2016 11:30 AM

The answer is quite simple:
If you get aroused by it, and your bf doesn't know about it... it is cheating.
If you have told him about it and he is OK with it, then it is not cheating.
The key here is honesty. I found from personal experience it was much easier to tell my bf soon after meeting him, that way I never had it hanging over my head.


CelticFire (25 )

7/04/2016 9:27 PM

Yeah man,

If you are just using it as a work out, or test of strength, you're good. If anything, just be honest and up front with him.


Zander (1)

7/04/2016 7:02 PM

I am in a relationship which is completely unexpected, but now I am conflicted. I want to carry on with gut punching but as it is a sort of a thrill for me, I am wondering is this actually cheating? I have not asked my BF if he is into gut punching but I assume he probably is not.


rfp6015239 (6)

7/05/2016 10:23 AM

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Nothing is cheating if everybody knows what is going on and is ok with it. Just let your bf know that you have been doing this for quit sometime and really like it. Just be upfront with him.

If you go behind his back, wether it is for sexual reasons or not, that is considered cheating!


Magneto (13)

7/04/2016 8:55 PM

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I wouldn't find it to be "cheating" if there isn't any sexual component to it. What I mean by that is, you aren't jerking off or making out with the guy who's gut punching you. Without those things it's basically a sport, hobby, fetish. I can't speak for how your significant other views "fetishes" but you might want to find out if they have any fetishes.

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