Gutpunching give/take/trade

Hotel gut bashing

Robin-hearts (3)

7/05/2022 7:49 PM

My first meet up was at a hotel! I wore tight jeans with a button down shirt leaving it open down to my navel, exposing my upper stomach and a blazer. I felt so sexy and confident showing off my abs to my opponent then stripping down to just my gstring before we started.
That confidence dissipated as he stretched my thong clad body in brutal holds, focusing on choking my neck with his legs and arms as he pummeled my vulnerable midsection with his heavy fists. I could barely breath as he beat the air out my stomach and choked me, keeping any air from coming in. I gasped and grunted throughout the match, writhing in my tiny Tstring, "woooooff!" 🥵
My neck and abs were sore for days, when I'd massage my gut it would bring me back to the beating I received on that motel room bed. It even had a mirror on the ceiling that I couldn't help but look at as he pounded away at my trapped stomach 🤤
Oh, and pic for reference :) this was the thong I wore just in red. Please log in to view gallery photos.


guts4sluggin (1)

6/27/2022 8:52 AM

I've met a few guys at hotels when they come to town. But that's not very often. Most say they're into gutpunching, but when you get there they flake out. Only a few times did I get to pummel a decent gut.


big belly art (0)

6/27/2022 8:54 AM

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if you met me i'd let you gut punch me as hard and as many times as you'd like


big belly art (0)

6/26/2022 6:31 PM

I actually met twic ein a motel once with a woman second time with a gut, both times got my belly worked so good I enjoyed every punch


RickoBangzTheJobber (6)

6/26/2022 1:17 AM

Is it just me or does getting your abs bashed in a hotel just add something to the session. Like random place to meet up and get beat up. Anytime I stay at a hotel I crave a beating


toughguyabs (0 )

7/04/2022 1:37 PM

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Me too! I am glad I am not the only one.


bnjifghtr (2)

6/28/2022 1:50 AM

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we need to meet up and gut punch and wrestle some bro


guts4sluggin (1)

6/28/2022 1:42 AM

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It removes any obligation or personalization. It's lacks a certain intimacy. Meeting at a neutral location, get done, leave.
I've never played, then gone and had drinks or whatever.



7/15/2022 6:57 AM

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right on "guts4sluggin" I have always gotten the motel, my opponents arrives, we discuss rules and any stakes, shirts off, appropriate thong, shorts, etc exposed and the fight is on to defeat. Cordial, but not over friendly,, respectful, but all business, the winner makes sure the loser is beat and knows it, acknowledges he is the loser,and we part,, that simple. Any stakes are acted on ,no backing out of prior agreements.


bellyboi (0)

7/03/2022 6:16 PM

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I love being gut punched in a hotel or motel room
Not much talk other than basic introductions. Then slugs from the puncher.
I like the impersonal damaging treatment being done to my belly with no liabilities to the puncher. Humiliating, terrible and satisfying letting someone hit me like that in a hotel or motel room.
Then they leave when finished.
Maybe some small talk when they finish gutting me but then they leave.
No frills. Just me with a stomach ache, recovering from the aftermath of what the puncher did to me.


Stomach Gutpunch (1)

6/27/2022 12:53 PM

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Me pasaba igual. Cada vez que me hospedaba en un hotel, por motivos de trabajo, de Lunes a Viernes, siempre me ponía muy caliente. Esperando siempre que me sorprendieran unos tipos, confundiendome con otro, y me pegaran una buena paliza en el estómago...
De hecho, alguna que otra vez, pude preparar encuentros, a través de internet, para que me dieran bién duro en el estómago. Fueron encuentros súper calientes!!!!


bnjifghtr (2)

6/27/2022 6:47 AM

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Let me know when you are close here in a hotel. - be fun to punch some abs


RickoBangzTheJobber (6)

6/27/2022 7:40 AM

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Ooooooffff for sure 💪🏽


bnjifghtr (2)

6/27/2022 4:59 PM

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lets go bro come to texas


RickoBangzTheJobber (6)

6/28/2022 1:43 AM

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I’ll see if I can request work in Texas next


bnjifghtr (2)

7/02/2022 7:37 AM

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Yeh dude bring it to Texas bro


GutPuncher89 (1 )

7/01/2022 1:09 AM

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If you ever have work in Harrisburg, PA let me know. I’ll drill those abs in real deep for ya.


RickoBangzTheJobber (6)

7/02/2022 7:21 AM

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Oooooffff you’ll be the first to know 💪🏽💪🏽


GPNavelPuncher (0)

6/27/2022 5:26 AM

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You are absolutely right about getting a hotel bashing being especially HOT. 🔥I think it is because the hotel environment is totally impersonal, not particularly friendly, lending itself to a gutpunching session which is more objective, non sensual, almost animalistic. "No TALK, just SLUGS."


RickoBangzTheJobber (6)

6/27/2022 7:39 AM

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Exactly. Nailed it


Wolfman65 (6)

7/03/2022 5:21 AM

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If ever in or near Raleigh. NC ... HMU. Love to punch your abs buddy!

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