Gutpunching give/take/trade

For ALL the Punchers out there.

slimp (0)

2/26/2022 3:50 AM

I used to fantasize about giving and receiving until my early teens. Then it was virtually all about receiving. I punched a gut for the first time when I was 9. It was only one punch though, as the kid doubled over and rolled on the ground. I think he was pretending to be hurt, so I wouldn't really hurt him. I did enjoy knee drops for a while, especially hearing the wind forced out. Like others here, my first thoughts about it were triggered by seeing fights on TV. From then till now, most of my fantasies have to do with being in the role of a villain, sometimes being backed against a wall, or driven across a room with gut punches, interrogated or similar stuff.


Brett364 (1)

2/25/2022 1:29 PM

When I was a little tyke, maybe 6 or 7, I used to get excited when a cowboy on a TV western would get punched in the gut. Also, I had an action figure doll around that time and used to pretend to punch him in the stomach. So, it goes way back for me.


mikey3458 (25 )

2/25/2022 10:13 AM

I did it and received gut punching from 11 up till i was 17. At 11 had this friend and we would pro wrestle, he at one time kneed me in the stomach and followed it up with a double axe handle to my gut. I loved it! But at 17 had a friend and his dad double teamed me for a match. Yes they were going to tag, but boys will be boys. And they would take turns holding me and the other one working my gut with punches. Best match and greatest memory ever! Would love that again! Anyone in the tri state area of Delaware want to bring a friend? I have a ring.


ruinurabs (42 )

2/25/2022 5:40 AM

A neighbor friend, when I was 15.


bellyboi (0)

2/24/2022 6:09 PM

When do you ever first remember having thoughts that you'd like to punch someone in the stomach? Your earliest thoughts.
When did you first punch someone in the stomach?
And did you like it?

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