My dad boxed in golden gloves and always wanted me to box. He kept a speed bag and heavy bag in the basement and I used to go down there and watch him. Drove me crazy, to this day I still think about how it made me nuts! It’s the most natural thing for a son to admire his dad, and coupled w seeing him prepping for competition makes the experience that much more memorable. I was in the park the other day, a man of 35 or so was bear chested, skipping rope on the park, his teen son watching him and just fascinated by the sight. There was clearly admiration and the sense that “I’m gonna grow up to be just like him one day”! I could read that scene SO clearly. Made me think back about my own experience w my biological father…
I'm sorry for your loss. My dad never bonded with me on much any level although i felt he eventually grew to love me./ I hear from my guy friends and strangers of how they boxed, wrestled, and showered naked with their dad, uncles, and older men at a young age. One guy I chatted with online told me that he used to wrestle his 19 and 16 nude and they would finish things up by relaxing spunk all over each other. Honestly, I think that leans more towards incest a d more. But friends talk about how they showered at the gym with their dads and uncles and watching everyone getting boners and stroking each other at times. I find it hard to believe. Your interaction as you described sounds healthier to me.
i guess I'm the lucky one in this ? that i got to wrestle my dad and have some eroticism during the match ; altho many will say it crossed a line - i think it enhanced the eternal masculine bond that all sons want with their dads . . .
Since we're talking about fantasy... How about dad/son vs dad/son in nude boxing matches? The dads corner for their sons as they fight it out to a KO; the dad of the losing son has to count him out and raise the other fighter's glove over him while watching him plant a foot on his fighter's chest...
Yeah I remember play wrestling with my biological dad and being fascinated with his hairy chest, muscles, etc. Good bonding among father and son. Good way for a boy to explore his male instincts and curiosities. Unfortunately never got more advanced than just play wrestling occasionally with my father. When I have sons, will definitely make them comfortable with all of this and wrestle with them from a young age on (age appropriate) and increase the intensity/roughness as they get older.
Nice comment.
I agree, wrestling is a great male bonding for fathers and sons, it can help make them connect with each other in many ways.
It doesn't have to be erotic or sexual (even if that can be a nice bonus!), the simple test of strength and mutual give-and-take is enough to satisfy both dad and son.
Can you tell us more about your own experiences? Thanks.
coach rassler,
even if its not real-time erotic, when a real dad and real son wrestle, it is subliminally so. As i believe all physical encounters between men (same age or young vs old) have that component. Meanwhile i was one of those lucky young sons, who wrestled with my real dad - and the aforementioned was inescapably a part of the match. So much so, that my dad and I could not continue grappling ; because it was clear things would escalate. Even so, I, like Malebonding at the start of this, was forever able to link the majesty of masculinity (muscles , sweat , et al) and its sheer power over me - and the raw passion too - to that one glorious fight with my dad. And yes, it continues to this day. In that every rough (play) encounter i have with a man has that masculine / intergenerational exchange. Further, I'm lucky to enjoy it still as a son - and now at times as the dad (coach).
Thanks for sharing and educating with your well written post. I learned a great from it. Each time I read or hear about guys wrestling their dads or father's I cringe because of the suggestion of incestuous activity. The "majesty of masculinity" that you explained by way of male bonding helped me to better understand the cherished intro to male awareness between father and son, man to man.
the only true way a man can learn about what it is to be a man is from his own dad ; its about power with passion ; and so, yes, it must also include the physical (erotic) as well as the mental
plus its about the passing of the dads masculine essence to the son ; and in some cases, from the son back to the dad.
its as pure and natural and sublime as anything gets
"the only true way a man can learn about what it is to be a man is from his own dad ; its about power with passion ; and so, yes, it must also include the physical (erotic) as well as the mental"
I have to disagree about can learn what it means to be a man from your father without the physical or whatever.
physical doesn't always mean sexual (or erotic) ; but (real) men - if we are talking just about masculine dynamics - are by virtue of their muscle / sinew about physicality ; so their bodies in some way do, i believe, need to be involved. even if its just discussed
I often how guys whose father was not there for them or father's who were there but never shared anything masculine with their son...No wrestling or boxing each other and never talked about being a man?
Father tried to kill me when I was real young. Because he feared eventual retaliation, he did his damndest to keep me from getting strong or learn any fighting skills whatsoever. I found my own skills on the sly and after having moved out and they are far better than anything he had ever known or could have passed on even if he had wanted to. Anyone who tries physically to prove me wrong about that fact, does so at his peril.
I was lucky. even though my dad was rarely around, he still instilled in me an inescapable sense of what masculine males were like and that one time (wrestling) we crossed that universally important threshold between a father ran his son. which is really how men are supposed to be, powerful and passionate with one another. thats said, since it was only a rare moment between he and i, i have forever sought out that masculine collaboration between my (younger) self and other (older - and now at times younger) men. to make sure we all as men understand that eternal masculine bond - and its absolute necessity
Jayse....Very willing to pass any fighting skills I have to you, whom I consider a [spiritual] son in his own right – from a past life?–anytime you are in my neck of the woods. Maybe make it ritual up on Spruce[man] Mountain itself. :) Spruce Yetiman
son, are you asking me directly ? inasmuch as that sounds like a great matchup, my dad (aka granddad) is no longer around . . . but again, its a VERY hot thought ; you ever hear of an artist named Josman ? if not, try and find his work on the net ; i think you'll find it appealing !
Wonder if the title led with "Biological,l" or something with the same meaning, would direct only those meeting the founder's intent to participate. I reckon that 99 percent of men on the site would construe the current title as "old vs young" in the generic.
Looks like that's what happened unfortunately...
I thought it was quite clear I was referring to blood-related men, not roleplaying games, otherwise I'd have used "daddy vs son" or "old vs young", as I explained above.
i wrestled with my daddy from as young as i can remember. nothing sexual but loved rubbing his hairy chest as we tumbled around. and watching old wrestling shows growing up.
I created this group some years ago to share fantasies or actual memories about real blood-related father vs son fights. So far, most of the posts have been about looking for wrestling partners or role playing...
I didn't call the group "Daddy vs Son" because I wanted to avoid that, focusing instead on the family dynamics of real fathers and sons fighting each other for whatever reason.
I'm wondering why most men here seem uncomfortable when dealing with the "real thing", meaning blood-related father and son having a wrestling match that can be playful, tough, erotic etc.
Anyway, I still hope this can become the main focus of the group...
Within the wrestling interests that all of us have in here, I think bringing in the family aspect to it makes some uncomfortable. I can understand that. It *is* a sensitive subject, after all. So I can see where guys simply label an older guy a "father" and a younger guy "son" to make it more palatable. I personally get into the whole family-themed aspect of wrestling in the context of fantasy. Love to explore how matches between a father and son might play out...rival father/son tags (and father/daughter tags for that matter!)...full family rivalries in the ring...etc. Of course, I find the fantasy of all this intriguing and interesting. In real life? Not so sure. lol. But to each his own. But I think I see where the original poster is coming from about the difference. Don't know if any of what I said makes sense, but that's my analysis of it. Fun topic to ponder though...
How about family vs family boxing; Dad vs Dad, Mom vs Mom, Son vs Son and Daughter vs Daughter. They are all there to watch the fights and to corner for each other... Daughter corners for her Dad, Son corners for his Mom and vice versa. And, keeping in mind this is fantasy, the fights are all nude and only end when a fighter goes down and is counted out...
As I've said before, this is strictly a male scenario, no women please. Mixed fights (which I find quite repulsive anyway) and female wrestling belong elsewhere...
I understand what you're saying, fantasy matches are fine as long as they are about the "real thing" and not role playing. Otherwise it's a whole different story.
The dynamic of real fathers and sons wrestling is a very specific one, completely different from the "daddy and son" roleplaying game. There's the familiarity, the intimacy, the lifelong bonding (or lack of) etc. that's not there at all in the other scenario.
So, if you want to share some detailed fantasy about it, please do, it would be interesting to read it... but no females please! This is a "male only" area.
matttmann (0)
6/06/2022 7:51 PMMy dad boxed in golden gloves and always wanted me to box. He kept a speed bag and heavy bag in the basement and I used to go down there and watch him. Drove me crazy, to this day I still think about how it made me nuts! It’s the most natural thing for a son to admire his dad, and coupled w seeing him prepping for competition makes the experience that much more memorable. I was in the park the other day, a man of 35 or so was bear chested, skipping rope on the park, his teen son watching him and just fascinated by the sight. There was clearly admiration and the sense that “I’m gonna grow up to be just like him one day”! I could read that scene SO clearly. Made me think back about my own experience w my biological father…
thorins (5)
7/25/2021 6:10 PManyone had some erotic fights with his biological dad ?
ptitlutteur (1)
4/14/2017 12:58 AMI liked to fight with my father.
Hardmatch (98)
4/14/2017 2:41 AM(In reply to this)
Was it a close battle or did one of you dominate the action?
ptitlutteur (1)
4/14/2017 7:23 AM(In reply to this)
Yes dad dominated the action
Hardmatch (98)
4/14/2017 7:30 AM(In reply to this)
Was he always more powerful than you?
ptitlutteur (1)
4/14/2017 7:40 AM(In reply to this)
Yes always more powerful. I was young. It made me win a few times
Hardmatch (98)
4/14/2017 7:41 AM(In reply to this)
Impressive. I envy you your experiences.
ptitlutteur (1)
4/14/2017 7:44 AM(In reply to this)
Yes I was delighted. He is dead. I miss it a lot
str8warrior (1)
4/14/2017 2:13 PM(In reply to this)
I'm sorry for your loss. My dad never bonded with me on much any level although i felt he eventually grew to love me./ I hear from my guy friends and strangers of how they boxed, wrestled, and showered naked with their dad, uncles, and older men at a young age. One guy I chatted with online told me that he used to wrestle his 19 and 16 nude and they would finish things up by relaxing spunk all over each other. Honestly, I think that leans more towards incest a d more. But friends talk about how they showered at the gym with their dads and uncles and watching everyone getting boners and stroking each other at times. I find it hard to believe. Your interaction as you described sounds healthier to me.
Hardmatch (98)
4/14/2017 7:45 AM(In reply to this)
Sorry to hear he's no longer alive. My dad is also dead. I wish I could have wrestled him.
jobberjayse (31 )
4/14/2017 5:24 PM(In reply to this)
i guess I'm the lucky one in this ? that i got to wrestle my dad and have some eroticism during the match ; altho many will say it crossed a line - i think it enhanced the eternal masculine bond that all sons want with their dads . . .
ptitlutteur (1)
4/14/2017 7:14 PM(In reply to this)
was also lucky to have been able to fight erotic before he died
str8warrior (1)
4/15/2017 2:32 PM(In reply to this)
How erotic was it? What did you do?
ptitlutteur (1)
4/15/2017 2:51 PM(In reply to this)
Message private please
Andy Bluebear (4)
4/04/2017 11:20 PMI think it would be hot to fight a guy naked while his real dad watches.
wrestlerspig (14)
4/08/2017 11:19 PM(In reply to this)
My Dad used to enjoy watching other guys beat me up in the barn. They were not naked.
Bi Boxer (0)
4/06/2017 1:49 PM(In reply to this)
Since we're talking about fantasy... How about dad/son vs dad/son in nude boxing matches? The dads corner for their sons as they fight it out to a KO; the dad of the losing son has to count him out and raise the other fighter's glove over him while watching him plant a foot on his fighter's chest...
Jnhbody (0)
9/28/2017 3:43 PM(In reply to this)
what about this but a dad/son vs dad/son UFC tournament?
Hardmatch (98)
4/05/2017 7:08 AM(In reply to this)
Would love to do that or wrestle a dad in front of his son.
hairychestcowboy (7 )
4/05/2017 5:15 AM(In reply to this)
dad the prize?
Andy Bluebear (4)
4/05/2017 5:47 AM(In reply to this)
Sure. If all 4 are for it.
Andy Bluebear (4)
4/05/2017 7:03 AM(In reply to this)
Whoops...meant if all 3 are for it.
malebonding (0 )
3/30/2017 5:18 AMYeah I remember play wrestling with my biological dad and being fascinated with his hairy chest, muscles, etc. Good bonding among father and son. Good way for a boy to explore his male instincts and curiosities. Unfortunately never got more advanced than just play wrestling occasionally with my father. When I have sons, will definitely make them comfortable with all of this and wrestle with them from a young age on (age appropriate) and increase the intensity/roughness as they get older.
mikeupsteps (1 )
3/30/2017 3:04 PM(In reply to this)
Malebonding...I see you enjoy CBT, should that be included in father/son matches?
malebonding (0 )
3/30/2017 5:10 PM(In reply to this)
Yeah definitely. I mean they are both males, so why not. I think it would be a good way to bond as well. Do you agree?
rassler (4)
3/30/2017 4:28 PM(In reply to this)
mikeupsteps i think it could, if both are adult and willing to go that way. Just another kind of test of strength...
rassler (4)
3/30/2017 1:45 PM(In reply to this)
Nice comment.
I agree, wrestling is a great male bonding for fathers and sons, it can help make them connect with each other in many ways.
It doesn't have to be erotic or sexual (even if that can be a nice bonus!), the simple test of strength and mutual give-and-take is enough to satisfy both dad and son.
Can you tell us more about your own experiences? Thanks.
jobberjayse (31 )
3/30/2017 5:11 PM(In reply to this)
coach rassler,
even if its not real-time erotic, when a real dad and real son wrestle, it is subliminally so. As i believe all physical encounters between men (same age or young vs old) have that component. Meanwhile i was one of those lucky young sons, who wrestled with my real dad - and the aforementioned was inescapably a part of the match. So much so, that my dad and I could not continue grappling ; because it was clear things would escalate. Even so, I, like Malebonding at the start of this, was forever able to link the majesty of masculinity (muscles , sweat , et al) and its sheer power over me - and the raw passion too - to that one glorious fight with my dad. And yes, it continues to this day. In that every rough (play) encounter i have with a man has that masculine / intergenerational exchange. Further, I'm lucky to enjoy it still as a son - and now at times as the dad (coach).
str8warrior (1)
4/06/2017 12:08 PM(In reply to this)
Thanks for sharing and educating with your well written post. I learned a great from it. Each time I read or hear about guys wrestling their dads or father's I cringe because of the suggestion of incestuous activity. The "majesty of masculinity" that you explained by way of male bonding helped me to better understand the cherished intro to male awareness between father and son, man to man.
jobberjayse (31 )
4/06/2017 5:46 PM(In reply to this)
the only true way a man can learn about what it is to be a man is from his own dad ; its about power with passion ; and so, yes, it must also include the physical (erotic) as well as the mental
plus its about the passing of the dads masculine essence to the son ; and in some cases, from the son back to the dad.
its as pure and natural and sublime as anything gets
Andy Bluebear (4)
4/06/2017 7:57 PM(In reply to this)
"the only true way a man can learn about what it is to be a man is from his own dad ; its about power with passion ; and so, yes, it must also include the physical (erotic) as well as the mental"
I have to disagree about can learn what it means to be a man from your father without the physical or whatever.
jobberjayse (31 )
4/07/2017 5:37 PM(In reply to this)
physical doesn't always mean sexual (or erotic) ; but (real) men - if we are talking just about masculine dynamics - are by virtue of their muscle / sinew about physicality ; so their bodies in some way do, i believe, need to be involved. even if its just discussed
Andy Bluebear (4)
4/08/2017 11:21 PM(In reply to this)
I guess mileage varies on the definition of a real man, then.
str8warrior (1)
4/06/2017 6:44 PM(In reply to this)
I often how guys whose father was not there for them or father's who were there but never shared anything masculine with their son...No wrestling or boxing each other and never talked about being a man?
Spruceman (55)
4/06/2017 6:54 PM(In reply to this)
Father tried to kill me when I was real young. Because he feared eventual retaliation, he did his damndest to keep me from getting strong or learn any fighting skills whatsoever. I found my own skills on the sly and after having moved out and they are far better than anything he had ever known or could have passed on even if he had wanted to. Anyone who tries physically to prove me wrong about that fact, does so at his peril.
hairychestcowboy (7 )
4/06/2017 10:59 PM(In reply to this)
hope you kicked his ass later on
Spruceman (55)
4/06/2017 11:06 PM(In reply to this)
He's long gone to where, some might say, it is a very hot place :) Come my way; and I';; wrestle you.
hairychestcowboy (7 )
4/06/2017 11:08 PM(In reply to this)
Palm Springs???? lol
jobberjayse (31 )
4/06/2017 7:23 PM(In reply to this)
Dads, (gay and straight),
I was lucky. even though my dad was rarely around, he still instilled in me an inescapable sense of what masculine males were like and that one time (wrestling) we crossed that universally important threshold between a father ran his son. which is really how men are supposed to be, powerful and passionate with one another. thats said, since it was only a rare moment between he and i, i have forever sought out that masculine collaboration between my (younger) self and other (older - and now at times younger) men. to make sure we all as men understand that eternal masculine bond - and its absolute necessity
str8warrior (1)
4/06/2017 7:34 PM(In reply to this)
Good share Jobberjayse! Wish I had experienced something like that. I agree aboutr masculinity and passion to be shared among men.
Spruceman (55)
4/06/2017 7:32 PM(In reply to this)
Jayse....Very willing to pass any fighting skills I have to you, whom I consider a [spiritual] son in his own right – from a past life?–anytime you are in my neck of the woods. Maybe make it ritual up on Spruce[man] Mountain itself. :) Spruce Yetiman
jobberjayse (31 )
4/07/2017 5:34 PM(In reply to this)
i am forever a jock son, who will always need to know more about power and passion from a coach dad (top) . . .
PA Wrestler (48 )
3/31/2017 4:55 PM(In reply to this)
You wrestle your dad from time to time? Perhaps we should do a Grandson vs Grandfather match then. You can spot us.
jobberjayse (31 )
3/31/2017 5:42 PM(In reply to this)
son, are you asking me directly ? inasmuch as that sounds like a great matchup, my dad (aka granddad) is no longer around . . . but again, its a VERY hot thought ; you ever hear of an artist named Josman ? if not, try and find his work on the net ; i think you'll find it appealing !
Antheus (43 )
3/30/2017 1:38 AMAny hairy dads on kik?
mikeupsteps (1 )
2/26/2017 7:15 AMI agree dads and sons only females don't turn me on at all..2 cocks 4 balls and 2 arses
Spruceman (55)
1/31/2017 1:39 PMWonder if the title led with "Biological,l" or something with the same meaning, would direct only those meeting the founder's intent to participate. I reckon that 99 percent of men on the site would construe the current title as "old vs young" in the generic.
rassler (4)
1/31/2017 6:01 PM(In reply to this)
Looks like that's what happened unfortunately...
I thought it was quite clear I was referring to blood-related men, not roleplaying games, otherwise I'd have used "daddy vs son" or "old vs young", as I explained above.
hairychestcowboy (7 )
1/30/2017 4:49 PMi wrestled with my daddy from as young as i can remember. nothing sexual but loved rubbing his hairy chest as we tumbled around. and watching old wrestling shows growing up.
rassler (4)
1/30/2017 7:40 PM(In reply to this)
Nice memory, can you tell us more details about it? The kind of matches you had, your feelings, favourite holds etc. Thanks.
rassler (4)
1/28/2017 2:44 PMI created this group some years ago to share fantasies or actual memories about real blood-related father vs son fights. So far, most of the posts have been about looking for wrestling partners or role playing...
I didn't call the group "Daddy vs Son" because I wanted to avoid that, focusing instead on the family dynamics of real fathers and sons fighting each other for whatever reason.
I'm wondering why most men here seem uncomfortable when dealing with the "real thing", meaning blood-related father and son having a wrestling match that can be playful, tough, erotic etc.
Anyway, I still hope this can become the main focus of the group...
Hardmatch (98)
3/30/2017 5:13 AM(In reply to this)
I've always fantasized about watching a father vs son bout. I wish I had wrestled my dad.
rassler (4)
3/30/2017 1:46 PM(In reply to this)
You're not the only one here... ;-)
JobberWrecker (0)
1/30/2017 3:40 PM(In reply to this)
Within the wrestling interests that all of us have in here, I think bringing in the family aspect to it makes some uncomfortable. I can understand that. It *is* a sensitive subject, after all. So I can see where guys simply label an older guy a "father" and a younger guy "son" to make it more palatable. I personally get into the whole family-themed aspect of wrestling in the context of fantasy. Love to explore how matches between a father and son might play out...rival father/son tags (and father/daughter tags for that matter!)...full family rivalries in the ring...etc. Of course, I find the fantasy of all this intriguing and interesting. In real life? Not so sure. lol. But to each his own. But I think I see where the original poster is coming from about the difference. Don't know if any of what I said makes sense, but that's my analysis of it. Fun topic to ponder though...
Bi Boxer (0)
2/02/2017 2:26 PM(In reply to this)
How about family vs family boxing; Dad vs Dad, Mom vs Mom, Son vs Son and Daughter vs Daughter. They are all there to watch the fights and to corner for each other... Daughter corners for her Dad, Son corners for his Mom and vice versa. And, keeping in mind this is fantasy, the fights are all nude and only end when a fighter goes down and is counted out...
rassler (4)
2/03/2017 11:08 AM(In reply to this)
As I've said before, this is strictly a male scenario, no women please. Mixed fights (which I find quite repulsive anyway) and female wrestling belong elsewhere...
rassler (4)
1/30/2017 7:38 PM(In reply to this)
I understand what you're saying, fantasy matches are fine as long as they are about the "real thing" and not role playing. Otherwise it's a whole different story.
The dynamic of real fathers and sons wrestling is a very specific one, completely different from the "daddy and son" roleplaying game. There's the familiarity, the intimacy, the lifelong bonding (or lack of) etc. that's not there at all in the other scenario.
So, if you want to share some detailed fantasy about it, please do, it would be interesting to read it... but no females please! This is a "male only" area.