Bigger VS Smaller Matches

Smaller heels

gemtown (17)

7/06/2017 6:44 AM

where they at ohio


nightstranger (55)

7/06/2017 5:17 AM

love smaller heels.......... Please log in to view gallery photos.


Smthbd (0)

7/07/2017 12:43 AM

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Perfect,,,very HOT


ScottT (1)

7/06/2017 7:10 AM

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RoughPlayNNJ (13 )

7/05/2017 2:57 PM

Love smaller cocky verbal heels. Especially enjoy ones who can dominate me in a match.


Wrestlingdc2000 (0)

1/21/2016 12:49 AM

I love to jobber against two smaller wimps. If they cheat and are 2 on 1, they almost always win. Its a win-win!


Wrrstler 69 (0)

2/28/2015 12:46 AM

I like play with big wrestler or same my age it is the match think it the strong


pandamonium (34)

2/27/2015 6:02 AM

Love a little heel bully who can outwrestle a guy bigger than him. Just like this guy did to me for a bit Please log in to view gallery photos.


ScottT (1)

3/05/2017 7:48 AM

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Man!- that situation is the BEST- being a bigger guy myself- I agree with Pandamonium- LOVE little heel bullies!!!


greekwrestler (75)

4/02/2016 6:20 PM

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Who is this small guy?


shadi93 (2)

1/21/2016 1:26 PM

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Would do this to you in several holds man!!
I love to outwrestle bigger guys!!


greekwrestler (75)

1/31/2016 10:19 AM

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Try me then shadi. See if u can do it


Palooka (52)

12/04/2015 1:14 PM

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This is awesome.
I too love it when a lil guy out wrestles me, is more skilled, dominates etc. NICE


Matt Mahn (0)

12/05/2015 1:11 PM

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I agree. I love being dominated, controlled, humiliated by a smaller guy in a match.


catfight boy (0)

9/02/2014 5:18 PM

glad to cyber it up as a smaller heel, fighting dirtier rather than stronger to keep the big fat/muscle tough guy at bay and at my mercy :3



9/06/2014 10:45 AM

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Sounds fun will have to set something up little man. Run but can hide


Fight Boston (6)

9/06/2014 4:10 PM

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I will let you know when I can be in the area for wrestling match.



8/01/2014 9:46 PM

Still no takers for smaller guy



7/29/2014 2:38 AM

Have been looking for younger and smaller match up for heel jobber match. But seems there are no takers at all my area. Well almost ready to throw it in. Oh well


Fight Boston (6)

8/04/2014 2:45 AM

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I'm ready for a wrestling match.



8/01/2014 9:47 PM

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Still takers


chicagomikewrestler (0)

5/03/2014 1:58 AM

"Big guy" here who loves wrestling smaller heels. Losing to them seems much more humiliating, in a way. Here's what happened the last time I wrestled a smaller heel. (I'm the one in the red singlet ... on the bottom, of course!) Please log in to view gallery photos.


juan pablo (4)

6/02/2014 10:14 PM

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hot! I wrestled and boxed with a smaller heel, too, got very humiliated by him, you can see our pics in the gallery. I m also in the red singlet (not on the bottom in the pic, but I had to bottom after the match) Please log in to view gallery photos.


kreduk (9)

6/09/2014 7:25 PM

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Hi juan Pablo I'll take you on


juan pablo (4)

3/19/2014 7:00 PM

Hi, any small heel to fight in Argentina?


Steve Shock (147)

2/22/2014 2:56 AM

Well Small Heel here I just love taking time to slowly dominate in a pro match

all about the big guy giving control to the smaller heel


Palooka (52)

12/04/2015 1:16 PM

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This is what its all about for me....PERFECT


Squashlad (245 )

2/20/2015 11:24 PM

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I can vouch for Steve's heeling skills. I had the pleasure of a match with him and despite having 9" and 33 lbs on him and going all out the man totally owned me from start to finish. He's a lovely friendly guy but if you say you're up for a rough match that's what you're going to get. Pocket-sized brutality. And he's warned me I can't expect such gentle treatment in a rematch!


Steve Shock (147)

2/21/2015 2:45 AM

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Well Squashlad I'm just all ready to give you the match you want
Let me know when you ready for it


gpjobber (1)

11/29/2013 8:44 PM

Love to be dominated by a smaller heel!


CrushingMuscle (6)

2/20/2014 12:41 AM

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Like this too!


RoughPlayNNJ (13 )

11/28/2013 3:39 PM

Big Boy in San Francisco Area looking for all kinds of matches but enjoys smashing smaller guys into the mat!


wrestlerspig (14)

11/28/2013 7:38 PM

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LucadoeSFO you can smash me anytime. I may not be that much smaller but I enjoy being mauled by bigger guys.


njlifter (1)

9/22/2013 3:38 AM

Would love to find this kind of match in he NYC area. Nothing seems hotter or more exciting to me than be beaten by a smaller stud.


ScottT (1)

9/25/2013 6:46 AM

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I'm with you, Lifter!!Nothing is hotter than watching a size difference match up where the smaller guy dominates.......that is, nothing except being in one!! Please log in to view gallery photos.


londonscissorslover (41)

9/19/2013 10:45 AM

Taller wrestler here.... wanting to find the perfect "Little" Heel who will dominate... especially with Headscissors


cum4fight (19)

8/10/2012 6:11 PM

J adore Grand maigre – Lean Tall

contre petit – vs small

qui pareil?


ringer69 (0)

8/10/2012 2:18 PM

any smaller guys around who dare to challenge me and maybe able to make me submit to them?


greekwrestler (75)

7/18/2012 10:00 AM

who was this small guy stirritup?


ScottT (1)

6/11/2012 7:25 AM

Hey guys-I think we've kinda formed a sub- group- called Big guys who like gettin' dominated by smaller Studs- Stirritup's comment certainly got my full attention, and if he, or any of us larger guys would like to elaborate on this type of match, I, for one would be very interested....Also best regards to Nick, who it seems no big guy would mind gettin' pinned by!!....Your 6'4" brother, Scotty


Squashlad (245 )

2/20/2015 11:01 PM

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Sure seems that way! Only thing better than getting worked over by a bully boy heel is getting worked over by a bully boy heel half your size.... Little sadists are the best!


rustyiam (1)

7/15/2013 12:03 AM

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Love smaller guys who can manhandle me ;) Please log in to view gallery photos.


Stirritup (9)

5/23/2012 12:23 AM

This is probably the hottest kind of match for me. I love taking on smaller guys who are fast and skilled. One of the most intense matches I ever had was against a 5'3", 125# guy, to my 6', 170. This guy moved so quick, made my head spin. Literally dominated me on the mats, hold after hold, completely humiliated me. Hands down, one of the hottest matches I have ever had.


stormer33150 (1)

5/13/2012 8:11 PM

petit gabarit, mais je peux affronter des costauds : je n'ai pas peur ! 1m72 60 kg

little, but I can wrestlers with biggers men, I m not afraid ; 2 vs 1 possible !


sthlincsman (11)

5/02/2012 6:12 PM

Still looking for that elusive smaller heel


RasslerFTL (19)

4/19/2012 1:17 AM

Nick still remember wrestling with your for three hours at Hillside when it was too hot for the wimps. Have to say that though I weighed a third more than you, you had the energy and strenght to keep it interesting and competitve for three hot sweaty hours. Do it again with you anytime. Picture is of me wrestling a guy at other end of spectrum. Loved the match with him too. Please log in to view gallery photos.


greekwrestler (75)

3/26/2012 9:00 AM

Hey Nick. Peter from greece remember me? Would love to wrestle with you and see if you can beat and dominate a guy my size


wrestlerspig (14)

3/19/2012 9:15 PM

Hi Nick,
I would job for you agai anytime in the future. I can still remember your powerful thighs choking me. I have never refused to turn down a chance to job for any heel. Thanks for allowing me my 2 cents. Wrestlerspig


NickZ (194 )

3/16/2012 7:42 PM

It is challenging, but challenges are enjoyable. :) Some of my most memorable matches have been with guys at the extreme ends of the weight spectrum. The 300-somethings do of course have an advantage in weight and thus in momentum, while the very light guys (lightest I've wrestled is 103 lb so far) also tend to be very strong and fast. A special situation is the very tall wrestler (e.g. 6'7" vs. my 5' 5.5") whose weight is distributed over a much longer length and so leverage plays a more significant role in the match.

Each situation has its own advantages and disavantages to be dealt with; that's part of the fun of it. Never got injured in those matches. Once had a round-robin on the home mats with a bunch of guys up to 215 lb. Mike. Everyone wrestled everyone else, except that 150 lb George didn't want to wrestle the 215-pounder because of the possibility of injury. So Mike gets on top of George and I ask how it feels - he says he feels fine, so the rest of us dogpile on him, and I ask how does it feel now – "mmph, ok". Heh heh, well that's 514 lb. total now, so no reason to worry about the 215-pounder! We had a great time wrestling all afternoon and into the night. Straight and gay guys as well.

Same with the Wrestlefest in Feb. 2012 - had some long enjoyable matches with guys on the far side of 200, and they also wrestled other lightweights and they were hard-fought enjoyable matches.

So I'd certainly encourage guys who haven't tried it, to also look outside their weight class. Please log in to view gallery photos.


Palooka (52)

4/02/2016 6:23 PM

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Smthbd (0)

6/30/2017 8:04 PM

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Love to be dominated taken down my smaller framed heels,,,,,HUGE turn on ,,,,,guess its twisted but i like it


mintaka (21)

2/21/2012 11:39 PM

Smaller heels, like me - I am 1.68m 68kg - , need to move fast to prevent being smashed down by taller (and mostly heavier) guys. It is possible, though more challenging ;-)


wretler95kg (3)

2/12/2012 3:33 PM

effectivement, difficile de trouver des lutteur tres leger pour faire bonne lutte,
certain ont peur,
j'attends petit mec qui aime combattre mon srtyle moi 175 cms 95 kg 51 ans Please log in to view gallery photos.


The Beast (45 )

12/28/2011 6:51 PM

bring it on big wrestlers!


musclebear2b (4)

7/09/2011 3:05 AM

I too am interested in this.. I am 6'3 and 290# Am perfectly happy to be used for practice by rough little heels, or even go 2 on 1 with smaller guys


Squashlad (245 )

2/20/2015 11:11 PM

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Yeah, offering a 2 vs 1 handicap match can help in getting those hot smaller guys to heel, and makes for a great punishing mismatch. I've also had success in getting lightweight guys to trying heeling through one-way foreign object matches, where he gets to use a strap, chain, etc., with a guarantee that I won't make use of it. I think once you get a guy to enjoy heeling he's going to be willing to heel bigger opponents.


ScottT (1)

2/26/2011 6:41 AM

I must stand with my tall brother on this subject- I'm 6'4" 200lbs and would love to job for smaller ripped studs- Please log in to view gallery photos.


sthlincsman (11)

2/20/2011 1:10 PM

Dream of mine to meet a smaller lighter heel - I'm 6'3 235 masc strong broad stocky sane but find lighter guys are wary because of size and potential to get injured. Real shame. Not a fan of the roll over and let them do their worst - at least token resistance to make them work abit. Come on you smaller heels - there are big guys to practice on and perfect your heel technique!

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