MANIMAL - SPRING 2024 - GENOA 4/21/2024

The events on this page are not organized by MeetFighters. Events are submitted by our members. MeetFighters does not warrant the truthfulness of the information on this page.

Event Overview
  • OrganizerATONMAN
  • Date
    4/21/2024 10:00 AM
    The event's time zone is based on its location.
  • Deadline to apply
  • Number of attendees
    11 attendees
  • State
    Event completed
  • Event location

Wrestling meeting
preview = evening Saturday 20 Avril
great meeting = all day Sunday 21 Avril

- early bird before January 31 - € 15.00
- from February 1st to Avril 15 - € 30.00
- after Avril 15 - € 40.00

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Event Description

Wrestling meeting
preview = Saturday 20 Avril about 8pm to 11pm
great meeting = Sunday 21 about 10am to 6pm (but may be later)

No foods and drinks insite the gym (only water)

Fight styles: BJJ - SUBMISSION - MMA light - NHB - other

possible matches 1v1 - 2v1 - 2v2 or even BATTLE ROYALE

Clothing: GI - Singlet - Speedo - Shorts and Rashguard - other

- 3 FIGHT AREAS (4x4) - RED
- 2 FIGHT AREAS (5x4) - BLUE
- 1 RING AREA (5x5) - GREEN
(pics available - contact me on @hslto)

during the day organized moments of mini tournaments or particular styles and rules if requested by the participants

VISIT GENOA AND SURROUNDINGS - do not miss the opportunity to visit Genoa next October - A unique opportunity to enjoy Art, Culture, Nature and ... exciting fights - for more info ask to GIRO_MAIL

To help us to prepare a good event please fill out this form

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Content related to this event is only available to attendees.

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