
lutteur174 is recommended by petitlutteur (7/12/2020)

moment très agréable dans la douceur sacrée différence de gabarit mais il sait faire participer l'autre
très cultivé et intéressant


dg duffy is recommended by JerseyJohnny (7/12/2020)

Incredibly skilled and knowledgeable wrestler. Good guy wrestle him if you have the chance. Amazing pro attitude and talent.


Doorman88 is recommended by Dean20 (7/12/2020)

Had a really fun time with Doorman88! He’s a really nice guy with some very impressive strength. Had a great time showing him some moves!


Dean20 is recommended by Doorman88 (7/12/2020)

Dean20 was just great. He's easy to talk to and knows how to work over his opponent. His years of experience with wrestling and jiu-jitsu are very apparent. His scissor hold are killer. He took some time to show me a few moves. And he looked great in his singlet. I’d recommend him to anyone, you'll have a good time.


Blasak is recommended by Rookiejobber (7/12/2020)

Finally got to meet this man after a year or so of chatting. And saying it was a blast would be an understatement.

Very fun to hang out with, charming, funny, and very friendly. Very easy to talk to naturally. Though a completely different beast on the mats. A strong mix of strength, stamina, and skill. Like hell, by the end of it I was actually completely out of gas (I’ll blame the 4 months of COVID 😅). But even as a full on competitive match, there was a lot of laughs in between, plus he’ll point out or throw in an advice here and there.

An overall delight to hand out and roll with, only wish I had more time with him. 👍🏻


Edubcn is recommended by Elijah82 (7/11/2020)

Edu es un luchador joven y parece inofensivo, pero no te dejes engañar por su carita de niño bueno. Es todo lo contrario, un luchador con cierta experiencia, incansable, con más fuerza de lo que parece y que sabe como dominar a sus contrincantes. Por desgracia, debida a mi poca experiencia en la lucha y mi 0 técnica, no pude hacer nada para ganarle. Aunque fui derrotado, me lo pasé muy bien luchando con él y me enseñó alguna llave. Quizás, la próxima vez la pueda emplear en su contra. Por otro lado es una gran anfitrion y muy cuidadoso con sus invitados. Lo recomiendo al 100% para luchar, seguro que no te defraudara y conocerás a una gran persona. Espero que volvamos a luchar y esta vez si pueda ganarle, aunque antes necesitaré más entrenamiento.


rsl4fun is recommended by AZgrappler (7/11/2020)

After going back and forth for a while I had the good fortune of meeting up with this thick , muscled man . His pics do not do justice to this man’s incredibly strong arms and legs . We battled for well over 3 hours , neither one of us wanting the other getting the last tap . I definitely liked torturing him with my East Coast accent , trying to make him go back to his childhood for proper enunciation of his r’# . Definitely one of my top favorite matches and top recommendations . Hope you’re man enough to come back for a rematch ! And yes it was amazing how we would flip each other around , just as one of us thought he was in control , the other seemed to know just the right way to reverse and turn it around on the other . Grrrrrr


Noby is recommended by Amateur Fighter (7/11/2020)

Noby ist ein sehr guter Gegner, der über viel Technik und Kraft verfügt. Mit ihm zu fighten fühlte sich wie mit einem bjj Lehrer zu rollen an, man ist immer sicher und hat gleichzeitig keine chance. Der kann sehr gut an seinen Gegner anpassen. Ich hoffe ich kann ihn wieder bald treffen. Außerhalb der matte ist er ein freundlicher und netter Gastgeber.


bernie621 is recommended by freestylereric 1 (7/11/2020)

Bernd hat sich in den letzten Jahren, stark weiter entwickelt und diesmal hatte ich keine Chance. Es war ein wirklich schöner Nachmittag, auch außerhalb der Matte hatten wir viel ist sehr zu empfehlen.


Kuschelringer is recommended by bernie621 (7/11/2020)

Kuschelringer ist ein sehr sympathischer Mann und Gastgeber.
Sein Name täuscht aber etwas, es war kein Kuschelringen, ich wurde ziemlich platt gemacht von ihm. Das hatte ich mir etwas anders gedacht aber erstens kommt es anders und zweitens als man denkt!
Er hat meine uneingeschränkte Empfehlung!
